

Sports - Forespar Tea Tree Power ®

Forespar® Tea Tree Power ® Gel is Easy to Use -- Eliminates Sports-Related Odors

Deliver All-Star Performance in Removing Sports-related Odors at Home or the Gym

No one enjoys smelly sports-related odors – whether in your home or in a locker room at the gym. Forespar’s Tea Tree Power ® Gel products are ideal for use at home, health clubs, sports complexes and golf courses to protect against mold and mildew in changing rooms and locker areas.

Or, in the home, it might be the kid’s room, a closet in the hall, your basement, or the storage shed. After a day of intense exercise shoes, outer and under garments just don’t smell very nice.

They are often not laundered right away, and frequently get put into a closed, dark and confided space. The odor intensifies and becomes distasteful.

This is when Forespar’s Tea Tree Power ® Gel can help with unwanted odors.

Tea Tree Power ® Gel Is Any Athlete’s Solution to Bad Sports Odors

• Easily removes odor from lockers
• Removes odor from equipment bags (used for intense sports such as hockey, football, baseball, lacrosse, fencing, etc.)
• As easy to use as opening a jar — and it works 24/7
• No chemicals are used
• It’s all natural
• Use as directed. Not to be ingested.

And, Tea Tree Power ® Spray provides all natural odor removal instantly